Texas Child Support Orders and Obligations

Every child deserves the emotional and financial support of both parents. A child support order from a family court judge establishes a parent’s legal obligation to pay support and specifies the amount of support to be paid.

There are several situations in which a parent may seek legal help with a child support matter. It arises most often during the process of a divorce, but parents who were never married can seek support after the birth of a child when establishing paternity. And a custodial parent may seek a modification of a child support order, or enforcement of an existing order long after a Texas family court judge issued a decree.

If you need help securing child support, contact The Law Offices of John A. Mead. Since 1975, I have been helping parents secure the financial support their children need.

Child Support Enforcement

Child support is not optional. If a family law judge ordered child support, the other parent has a legal obligation that he or she cannot ignore. If you have had trouble getting the child support you are owed, call my office at 210-222-0981. As a child support lawyer for more than 35 years, I have a number of tools at my disposal to help you get support.

Problems Making Your Child Support Payment?

Situations change: job loss, salary reductions, illness…these can all affect your ability to pay your child support in full and on time. However, you cannot simply stop or reduce your child support payments on your own, no matter how serious the circumstances. You must take your case back to court or face serious consequences.

Contact our San Antonio Family Law Attorney Today

I can help you bring your request for a modification back to court and I can assist you in handling the legal problems that may have occurred because you got behind on child support. Contact my San Antonio law office to schedule a free initial consultation.

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